Fireaxe - My Reflection

Don't give me that revolutionary bullshit,
save it for your all controlling state.
You have failed, your men are dead,
and you will join them when you've told us all you know.

Failed? Ha! Did you not see the burning mansions and executions?
It took three days to do the deed, and all of it broadcast on cable TV.

You sick bastard!
Is there nothing sacred in your twisted mind?
You deserve to be tortured to death
and you deserve to burn in hell forever.

Oh, but can you not see we're two of a kind with much in common.
This place you've built is a living hell. Who are you if not the devil?
And I love the way you hunted me down,
breaking every law in your thirst for justice.
No moral code stood in your way.
I wonder what your god would say.

He'd say that I was justified.
He'd say you should be crucified.
For every death you are to blame.
For what I've done there is no shame.
When fighting evil naught is too extreme.
My methods effective, my will supreme.
A million souls saved for a few thousand lost,
for the greater good I will pay that cost.

A sacrifice? Oh, we are more alike then you'd ever admit.
But our difference is your weakness: you still believe.

My reflection, why would he ask any questions?
Why would he not believe the lies?
All is perfect in his eyes.

My reflection, can he see through the illusion?
Does he need it to be real,
to warm is soul when the world turns cold?

Oh, where did I go wrong? Was my love too strong?
Am I not supposed to fight for what I know is right?
Oh, what could have been, my angel wearing a diamond ring.
If I'd only swallowed my pride and smiled as it burned inside.

My reflection, has he ever been pushed to breaking?
Has he ever felt the sting of a wound forever bleeding?

Has he stared into the void and known there's no salvation?
Or did he deny his fate and kneel before the ones who broke him?

Oh, that seductive call: join the order, feel the power.
Everlasting love and joy, strong at first but always fleeting.
And as he god began to fade, and reason fell away,
faith was all that remained and faith became a weapon.