Fireaxe - Masters of the Universe

Twenty-three and going nowhere.
Sixty hour weeks but the bosses don't care
I'm everybody's fool 'cause I play by the rules
and all my rivals are breaking them.

I'm tired of getting screwed by those ignorant worms.
I've got the talent and the drive to be running this firm.
So when my double-dealing boss crossed me one last time,
in went the knife, I never looked back.

Business is war and business is booming.
Attacking all the margins and I'm making a killing.
Buying out my enemies and looting the corpses,
sacrificed to the bottom line.

I spin and I lie and I use corporate spies,
anything it takes to get you suckers to buy.
Gonna FUD you in the ass until you trust only me
and then bait and switch, ain't it a bitch?

I'll rewrite the laws and enslave the community
and keep my stocks high with human impunity.
It's all about capital, that's what they say,
but to me there is simply no other way.

Don't give me that bleeding hearted bullshit,
save it for the shame-filled liberal hordes.
Why should I give to the weak and the poor?
They breed like fucking rabbits and they always need more.
Take another look at the nature you worship survival is the only rule,
the only rule for the masters, master of the universe.

We are Legion. We are one. Marvel at what we've become.
I serve one master and he's not a man. R.O.I. is what he demands.

Jeffrey, my buddy, my shrewd old pal,
but you trusted me and so where are you now?
Your company's mine and it's doing just fine.
In the boardroom I'm nobody's friend.

Darlene, oh sweet Darlene,
strutting like a pin-striped beauty queen.
Trying to climb the ladder while down on your knees,
but all you ever got was fucked.

Torsen, my mentor, gray-haired man,
your knowledge was always a part of the plan.
I blackmailed the board, now they'll do as I say.
It's a cut-throat world and I am the blade.

As for you others, you don't matter,
so what if your retirement is all in tatters.
Liquidation's just a part of the scam,
say the words: In God We Trust.

Don't give me that bleeding-hearted bullshit,
save it for the Sunday morning mass.
The church is the original Ponzi scheme,
they take all your money while they sell you a dream
and praying for salvation is just spiritual greed.

You want that corner office in heaven, next to Jesus,
with the Virgin Mary as your private secretary.
Admit it, you're just like me, and you wanna be
one of the masters, master of the universe.

We are Legion. We are one. Worship all that we've become.
Hear the angels knocking at heaven's door,
they don't want ascension they only want more.

Mother, I know you'd not approve
of the deals that I've made and the people I used,
but you should have seen the look in your eyes
when I gave you those diamonds they sparkled and shined.

Father, oh how can I explain
that great wealth and power come only one way?
But when you walked through my mansion your chest filled with pride,
and when I said you'd inspired me you broke down and cried.

This is what you wanted.
This is what we dream of.
This is what we worship.
This is what brings us closer to God.

Spare me your judgement you self-righteous fools,
you all love a bastard when he's fighting for you.
And only I can protect you from those worse than me,
so if you want your cut, you'll do as I please.
I'm your master. I'm your master.

We are Legion. We are one. Kneel before what we've become.
Neither predator nor prey but something divine,
and our essence will live until the end of time.

And though my hands were far beyond cleansing, I kept my heart pure.
What a waste.