Fireaxe - Death's Angel

Like a cancer they cut me out of their body
and threw me upon the refuse pile of the world.

I swore to destroy their system,
the greedy bastards and capitalistic scum,
set fire to their glorious mansions
and hear the screams of their daughters and wives.
Fantasies of atrocities
flooding into my burning mind,
but slowly I realized
that it was more than just them who had to die...

The corrupt politicians who smile as they lie.
The self-righteous elites who tell us what's right.
The corporate heads who work us into our graves.
The hordes in the malls who want everything now.
The hypocrite priests who sell us false dreams.
The dealers of pleasure who make us all addicts.
The peace-keeping soldiers with blood stained hands.
The mobs in the streets insanely naive.
The knuckle-dragging throwbacks who live in the past.
The social crusaders who make things even worse.
And the millions of drones who will never rebel,
afraid for their lives as the world goes to hell.

If that's what they want, they can have it, a world drowning in shit.
But now that I have seen the ugly truth I know that I can never go back.
To kill myself so seductive, but with a bullet, that's no way to die.
I will kill myself with pleasure, every indulgence my money can buy.

Death's Angel, take me away from the pain.
Death's Angel, show your mercy, end this life, take my hand.
Death's Angel, take me away from the pain.
Death's Angel, why don't you take me away?

Sometimes when I dream I can feel her,
my angel,
a ray of warmth shining on my tortured soul
and I am whole again.
But as I wake her fleeting touch
leaves burning wounds that never heal.
For just one taste of heaven
I pay in the fires of hell.
Fate is cruel,
and if there is a god it deserves to die.

You lost your faith.

I did not lose my faith it was taken from me,
but I found something better.

Dragged into the jungle,
beaten to a pulp.
Freedom fighters looking for a bounty.
Stripped, bound, and gagged,
raped and degraded,
but no matter how I begged they refused to kill me.

You're worth more to us alive gabacho pendejo.

I should have given in and swallowed all the pain.
I should have given in and let them have their way.
I should have given in and become their little whore.
But I could not give in and so I went to war.

You should have tied me up a little tighter, cabron.

Deep in the night while all were sleeping
I struggled like a madman but at last I was free.
Bloody and bruised but full of hatred,
damn right I found the strength to take my revenge.

Every one of them who'd laid a finger on me
died with a scream as I tore out his entrails
and every one of them who had ever abused me
awoke to find his severed cock shoved down his throat.

Who's the master now?
Oh, I remember,
I remember who I am.

Death's Angel, don't you dare take away my pain.
Death's Angel, in suffering we are born again.
Death's Angel, show no mercy, I can take all that you've got.
Death's Angel, fill me with your burning love.