Fireaxe - Black and Black

I want you to resist.
I want you in agony.
You shall suffer like no other.
Deliver me into the arms of the Dark Goddess and I will drag you with me.

There is no 'goddess', there is only God!

Pain is my mistress and revenge is her desire.

Who are you working for?
Who are your contacts?
I want answers.
I want the truth.

No, you want a lie.
You want me to vindicate the lies you tell your people and yourself.

I will not believe your lies, I am not weak like your freedom fighters.

Everyone is like them,
willing to do anything for their gods and their dreams.
That's how we came to power,
we fed the people the lies they needed to hear.

Not I. You were the master deceiver. You are the anti-Christ.

The most dangerous liar is the one who believes his own lies, you.

A blinding light dispels the darkness.
A booming voice so strong and forceful,
is it my tormentor or is it God?
But where I am the two are one.

I cleansed the firm of all your evil,
now it is a tool of righteous power.
We spread our ways and the world pays tribute.
We take them down the path to God.

And when they refuse I've seen what you do.
It's not a god but fear you serve:
fear of abandonment,
fear of punishment,
fear of death.
Worship is cowardice.

You know naught of the trials of faith.
You know nothing of strength and devotion.
But you will know pain and you will know suffering.
You will fear me!
You will fear me!

When I was young I used to be so terrified of death.
I made misguided choices and believed such foolish things.
But once I felt her soothing touch and stared into her eyes
I knew there was nothing to fear in the Dark Goddess' embrace.

Eternal devotion, dreamless sleep flowing forever.
How I yearn for you now, your arms are unfolding.
But I cannot close my eyes, I must be strong,
I must stay...awake.

Fighting will only make it worse, now tell us everything you know.

All gods are born in blood their faithful are baptized in fire.
All gods are patricidal gods, seeking to destroy that which spawned them.
All power is built of hatred and contempt for what came before.
And as the father strangles his son anger is his only salvation.

Madness. This is madness!

Yes it is.

One by one his rivals fall until the tyrant is slain.
One god rises up from the ashes and the world is brought to heel.
But that which is born of hatred must have rivals to fuel its anger.
And so it breeds a thousand young to slaughter and feed on its corpses.

The world is not black and white, it is black and black.
And enthralled to insane gods we fight and die for a lie.

You are wrong and we are right, good always conquers evil.
The power I wield over you is proof enough of that.

Listen to yourself: might makes right.

No! Right makes might.
And when I break you, you will see.
Now, cut his face apart.

Bring in the mirror.

I'll talk. I'll talk.

I work for the other side.
I always have but you were too blind to see.
We were inches away
from taking control of the whole fucking world,
but you got lucky and you barely stopped me,
so we changed the plan, now I'm just a diversion.
While you chased me and came down here to face me
the package was delivered while your back was turned.

What package? Where is it!

So many cities you'd better start looking.
I must confess I don't know which one.
But if we fail there's a thousand agents
ready and willing to take you out.
Checkmate. You've lost.

Never! Never!
I have fought evil all my life and I have always won.
You, call the president. Tell him limited access isn't good enough anymore.
I need total control.
We have a doomsday situation on our hands don't you understand?
I need wiretaps, phone records, e-mails,
every shred of data they've got on everyone.
Give me names, thousands of names.
Detain them all, question them, interrogate them, torture them if you have to
but they cannot be allowed to hide any secrets from us.
And get the generals on the line.
If our enemies want a war I will give them one.

Oh, what have you done?
I told him what he wanted to hear.
Now he will destroy himself
and half the world if I know him well.
Oh, my dark-eyed lover, I'm ready for you now,
for my reason to live, my pain, has been avenged.